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Topic:   Unable to find part numbers in database

By: GuestPosted on: Nov 20 2022 at 06:58:14 PM
Hi there, I have had a couple of instances where I am trying to find an item code I know exists in the components database, but despite using the filter searches top and bottom and sort I cannot find the item (Checked assemblies too). Is there somewhere else I can search to find the item, or a fix? I know the part-number is in there because it wont let me re-use the number when creating a new item.

By: SimonQPosted on: Nov 21 2022 at 02:14:24 AM
You could try this.

When showing the components list, click on the hamburger menu top right and select 'see hidden items' and 'see obsolete items'.

Ditto for assemblies.

By: GuestPosted on: May 9 2024 at 12:22:29 PM
Along these lines, we share part numbers across different "houses" and have quite a few. Would it be possible to add to your future development wish list to tell us which area the part exists in when it pops up the error message. This will allow us to more easily find where the part is to transfer to the new area.

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