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Topic:   Link column doesn't always show

By: ChrisPosted on: Nov 23 2020 at 01:06:57 AM
When I select "view intended partlist/BOM" and have the Part Number and the Revision (+description etc...) as columns, on some assemblies the "LINK" column is visible while on other assemblies it is just not there, while both assemblies have links in their partlist. I can't select a hide/show on the link column.

Why does this happen, and why is the link column not selectable in show/hide?
Since a link depends on both the Partnumber and the revision, I made both columns visible.

By: SupportPosted on: Nov 23 2020 at 07:46:27 AM
The Links column should always be visible if at least one link exists.

What version of MiniMRP do you have? When you start the software there's an "About" button at the bottom of the window. Click that to see the version.

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Topic:- Link column doesn't always show

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